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The Angel Academy of Teaching & Training, Loughton, Essex, London - Get insurance with BABTAC through us
The Angel Academy of Teaching & Training, Loughton, Essex, London - Get insurance with FHT through us
The Angel Academy of Teaching & Training, Loughton, Essex, London - Therapist Insurance
Therapist Insurance
Need to get insurance with our courses?

All our courses are accredited with the leading beauty school 'ABT'. We also award CPD points for many of our courses and are registered with the CMA (Complementary Medical Association). If you are an existing member, your course may already be covered. If you are starting out, you can register to become a member, send a copy of your certificate to the above insurers and pay a discounted fee if you mention 'The Angel Academy of Teaching and Training'

It is possible to add further therapies to your insurance policy as and when you go along. For instance:

Click the insync logo below to get a free quote from insync

Click the ABT logo below to get a free quote from ABT

The Angel Academy of Teaching & Training, Loughton, Essex, London - British Association of Beauty Therapy & Cosmetology Logo

(c) 2012 The Angel Academy of Teaching & Training, Loughton, Essex, UK.
+44 (0)208 508 2243