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The Angel Academy of Teaching & Training, Loughton, Essex, London - Speak To A Specialist
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The Angel Academy of Teaching & Training, Loughton, Essex, London - Angel Blog
The Angel Academy of Teaching & Training, Loughton, Essex, London - Therapist Insurance
The Angel Academy of Teaching & Training, Loughton, Essex, London - Beauty Courses - Natural Face Lift
Natural Face Lift in Essex & London
Our Natural Face Lift course has the edge!
Text here
Course Objectives
To prepare students for certification in Natural Face Lift.
Put details of available certification here and what is required to achieve certification e.g. case studies etc.
What are the pre-requisites for attending this course. There may be none!
What You Need To Bring
What you need to bring along to the course. Towels, creams, oils, lunch!
What We Provide
What provide - massage couches, safe and enjoyable place to learn.
The course last two days, usually on a weekend, so you dont have to take time out of your busy week!
Dates and Costs
The course costs £???. We take payment via PayPal or cash.

Please see below our list of upcoming courses. Click on the course for further information, request a call or email regarding the course or book now!

No courses scheduled. Please contact us regarding desired dates for private tuition.
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(c) 2012 The Angel Academy of Teaching & Training, Loughton, Essex, UK.
+44 (0)208 508 2243